Update: Local Kid’s “Waitress” Performance is Sugar-Sweet

Tempie (right) and co-star Korie

There was a lot to love about the opening night of “Waitress” at the Hippodrome Jan. 30: the fabulous vocal performances, Sara Bareilles’ stellar score, even the mini-pies being sold in mason jars at the concession stand.

But one thing certainly stood out–the adorable little blonde girl who took the stage during the musical’s final scene. Tempie Oppel stole the show as “Lulu,” main character Jenna’s two-year-old daughter.

Tempie was cast from an open call held a few weeks before the show came to town (more on that here). She will be alternating performances with another locally cast kid, Korie Mitchell.

Tempie’s lines were few, but the audience was charmed to pieces by her spirited dancing and cute-as-a-button kiss on her stage mom’s cheek.

Bravo, Tempie!


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