
The beauty of fall

This year’s unusually wet weather has apparently created a fungus in many of the trees, which will prevent them from fully showcasing the brilliant...

Nesting in Overdrive

Preparations for the birth of my second daughter led me to an unexpected moment of self-discovery: As I get older, I’m getting craftier. I...

Different Countries, Same Issues

I was in four different countries recently and was delighted to see that mothers all over the world are struggling with the same crap. I...

Seals, GPS and Back-Seat Drivers

The trip starts with snafus, because there always is a karmic, you-just-try-and-relax comeuppance before I attempt to slide away from real life into the magic...

Touch Down

Our pods arrived in Salt Lake City on Wednesday afternoon. When we packed them in Baltimore, I ended up going to the ER the...

New Year’s Resolutions in September

I started nursery school at age 3. Since then, I have started a new school year each and every September but two. With an...

The Blame Game

Hopefully I am not the only one who blames their kids for things that happen. Not big things, but significant enough to be problematic. My youngest,...

By age 10, bias could be set

As adults, our reactions to other people, families, cultures and traditions took root in our own early experiences and connections. The ability of children...

Kids and Mental Health

The numbers tell a story I know too well. The same week as two celebrity suicides last month, the Centers for Disease Control released...

Second Time Around

My wife wanted me to ask a favor of an old friend, a monumental favor, and I wasn’t sure I could. Almost five years ago,...