
Ask Lisa

Question: My 11-year-old daughter has been friendly with a group of girls in our neighborhood for years. But recently, they seem to be pulling away,...

Hooray for Moms!

Welcome to the May issue of Baltimore’s Child and, to all the moms out there, happy Mother’s Day! I absolutely love Mother’s Day. Breakfast in...

Building in My Son a Strong Sense of Self that has Nothing to Do...

    Tasked with writing about health and well-being for this month's column, I wanted nothing more than to avoid talking about my own screwed up...

When Your Kid Gets Cut from the Team…

QUESTION: My son worked out all winter and was even privately coached to prepare for his high school lacrosse team tryouts. He got cut from...

When an Expensive Family Vacation Isn’t in the Budget

Question: Spring break is fast approaching and my middle-school-aged daughter wants to know why we aren’t going anywhere “cool” over break. She tells me most...

To March or Not to March

Protests, marches, and demonstrations aren’t going anywhere anytime soon. On a number of issues people are banding together to express their resistance and in...

When Birds and Bees Start Buzzing Around

Talking about the “birds and the bees” with our children is tricky, uncomfortable and, in many ways, a parent’s nightmare. But it’s a part...

Teaching Children to Love—Themselves

February’s always been a weird month for me. After the wiz-bang-rush of hurtling through the holidays and the shiny new possibilities of a new...

A Hearty ‘Buzz Off’ to the ‘New Year, New You’ Hype

My tree is not yet on the curb and already I’m over it. If Halloween marks the kick-off of insane holiday decor at CVS,...

Last But Not Least

This January there will be no female president moving into the White House, despite the hopes of so many. On election day, I ran into...